March: Technical Requirements
- 3 Pioneer 6000A videodisc players
- 1 AT type (386/33) computer -- e.g. Gateway
2000 386/33C
- at least 4 meg RAM
- at least 4 open 16 bit slots
- at least 80 meg hard disc and 3,5" floppy
- 1 serial port
- Videologic DVA-4000 video digitization board
- Ahead/Wizard Deluxe VGA board
- Digiboard Digichannel PC/8i RS232 multi-serial
port adapter
- Small audio mixer (3 stereo in, 1 or 2 stereo
out:): e.g. Boss BX-60,
- Amplifier and small speakers
- Crosspoint Latch 6119 video switcher and
effects generator with serial control board and power supply
- Sync generator, capable of providing composite
sync, subcarrier, and black burst outputs --e.g Horita Model
- Cables for connection
- Two 37" data monitors e.g Mitsubishi
- 1 data projection e.g. Sharp XG 1000
- 1 Mac 8500 computer w/ extra memory and video
- ramp sensor boxes (custom)
- ramp sensor switches (custom)
Total cost of equipment is approximately $45,000
Steel and aluminum components for architectural
installation are crated separately.
Installation construction takes about 8 hours
with three people, and should be supervised by James Cathcart,
The installation is about 9 feet wide by15
feet deep and 20 feet tall. The space requirements are 15 X 25
foot minimum, with very high ceilings to accommodate the projection.